Monday, December 31, 2012

IPad app

Just a quick thought on the iPad app in development.

Often I access my mfi from within as well as without my network.

It would be great if we could have a primary and secondary server IP.

So that we can with minimal change or effort be able to access the mfi server on both a public and private IP depending on where we physically are located.
Sent from my AT100 using Tapatalk


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Friday, December 28, 2012

You Can Take Pets Out On Quests In Fantasy Life | Siliconera

By Ishaan . December 26, 2012 . 11:40am

Tomorrow will see the release of Level 5?s Fantasy Life in Japan, and they?ve shared two more videos of the game in action. The first one shows the player interacting with their in-game pets, while the second shows off mining, followed by the creation of a weapon, and finally combat. Check them out below:




Fantasy Life has illustrations by Yoshitaka Amano and music by Nobuo Uematsu. The game is being developed in collaboration with Brownie Brown, who were involved with the development of Mother 3.
You Can Take Pets Out On Quests In Fantasy Life

Video game stories from other sites on the web. These links leave Siliconera.


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Study ties drug shortage to poorer cancer survival - Salt Lake Tribune

Young cancer patients who couldn?t get a key medicine because of a national drug shortage were more likely to suffer a relapse than others who were able to get the preferred treatment, doctors report. It?s the first evidence that a long-standing drug-supply problem probably has affected cancer treatment results in specific patients.

The study involved more than 200 children and young adults with a blood cancer called Hodgkin lymphoma. Like childhood leukemia, it can be cured nearly 80 percent of the time. But a drug shortage that has worsened since 2009 is threatening that success rate, doctors report in Thursday?s New England Journal of Medicine.

Hundreds of drugs, including sedatives, antibiotics, painkillers and cancer treatments, have gone in and out of short supply in recent years. Reasons include manufacturing and contamination problems, plant shutdowns, and fewer makers and lower profits for certain drugs, especially generics infused during surgery or cancer treatment.

Doctors sometimes substitute different drugs for ones in short supply. But proving that the swaps led to poorer results has been tough, especially for cancer patients whose disease and response to treatment vary so much.

"We really couldn?t put our finger on, did anybody really suffer?" said Dr. Michael Link, a cancer specialist at Stanford University and past president of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

The new study, led by Dr. Monika Metzger of St. Jude Children?s Research Hospital in Memphis, gives the best evidence so far that patients are suffering.

It focused on mechlorethamine, or nitrogen mustard, a drug that has been in short supply until last month, when more became available. Doctors compared results among 181 Hodgkin lymphoma patients who received the drug to 40 others who were given a different chemotherapy, cyclophosphamide, when the first choice was unavailable.

Only 75 percent of those given the substitute drug stayed free of cancer for two years versus 88 percent who received the preferred treatment.

"We can think of no credible explanation for this dramatic difference" other than the drug substitution, the authors wrote.

No patients died, but those who relapsed were given more aggressive treatments, including stem-cell transplants that have more side effects and can harm fertility.

story continues below

One of them was Abby Alonzo, of Port St. Lucie, Fla. She was diagnosed with lymphoma three years ago, when she was 10. After eight weeks of treatment with the preferred drug, "she was doing wonderfully," said her mother, Katie Alonzo.

Then doctors said they were out of it.

"I said, what do you mean, we don?t have the medication my child needs?" Katie Alonzo said.

After four weeks on the substitute chemo, Abby?s cancer had returned and spread to more places, her mother said. The child received high doses of chemotherapy and radiation and now seems cancer-free, although the treatments damaged her lung capacity, leaving her short of breath.

"When your child has cancer you live day by day," and to find out a life-saving medicine isn?t available is "very, very frightening," Katie Alonzo said.

Copyright 2012 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Peugeot manager rules out merger with GM's Opel: report

DEAR ABBY: While searching for two of my husband's childhood friends, with his knowledge, I believe I may have found a child he doesn't know is his. I'm not positive that the child is his, but the time frame and location indicate that he could be, and there's a strong resemblance to my husband's brother. (I have seen photos on the Internet.) I am curious whether my hunch is correct, but I'm afraid of asking the questions, not knowing how they would be received. My husband is a kind and caring person, a great husband and father. ...


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Monday, December 24, 2012

Fat influences decisions taken by brain cells for production and survival

Dec. 23, 2012 ? Scientists at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have identified two molecules that play an important role in the survival and production of nerve cells in the brain, including nerve cells that produce dopamine. The discovery, which is published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology, may be significant in the long term for the treatment of several diseases, such as Parkinson's disease.

The same scientists have previously shown that receptors known as "liver X receptors" or LXR, are necessary for the production of different types of nerve cells, or neurons, in the developing ventral midbrain. One these types, the midbrain dopamine-producing neurons play an important role in a number of diseases, such as Parkinson's disease.

What was not known, however, was which molecules stimulate LXR in the midbrain, such that the production of new nerve cells could be initiated. The scientists have used mass spectrometry and systematic experiments on zebrafish and mice to identify two molecules that bind to LXR and activate it. These two molecules are named cholic acid and 24,25-EC, and are bile acid and a derivate of cholesterol, respectively. The first molecule, cholic acid, influences the production and survival of neurons in what is known as the "red nucleus," which is important for incoming signals from other parts of the brain. The other molecule, 24,25-EC, influences the generation of new dopamine-producing nerve cells, which are important in controlling movement.

One important conclusion of the study is that 24,25-EC can be used to turn stem cells into midbrain dopamine-producing neurons, the cell type that dies in Parkinson's disease. This finding opens the possibility of using cholesterol derivates in future regenerative medicine, since new dopamine-producing cells created in the laboratory could be used for transplantation to patients with Parkinson's disease.

"We are familiar with the idea of cholesterol as a fuel for cells, and we know that it is harmful for humans to consume too much cholesterol," says Ernest Arenas, Professor of Stem Cell Neurobiology at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at Karolinska Institutet, who led the study. "What we have shown now is that cholesterol has several functions, and that it is involved in extremely important decisions for neurons. Derivatives of cholesterol control the production of new neurons in the developing brain. When such a decision has been taken, cholesterol aids in the construction of these new cells, and in their survival. Thus cholesterol is extremely important for the body, and in particular for the development and function of the brain."

The study has been financed by grants from (among other bodies) the Swedish Brain Foundation, the European Union, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, Karolinska Institutet and the Swedish Research Council.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Karolinska Institutet.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Spyridon Theofilopoulos, Yuqin Wang, Satish Srinivas Kitambi, Paola Sacchetti, Kyle M Sousa, Karl Bodin, Jayne Kirk, Carmen Salt?, Magnus Gustafsson, Enrique M Toledo, Kersti Karu, Jan-?ke Gustafsson, Knut R Steffensen, Patrik Ernfors, Jan Sj?vall, William J Griffiths och Ernest Arenas. Brain endogenous liver X receptor ligands selectively promote midbrain neurogenesis. Nature Chemical Biology, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nchembio.1156

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, December 21, 2012

Iraq's president flown to Germany after stroke

Iraqi Presidential Office / EPA

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani (left), seen with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Dec. 17, has often mediated between Iraq's various factions.

By Reuters

BAGHDAD - Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has left a Baghdad hospital and is being transferred to Germany for treatment after suffering a stroke earlier this week, his office said Thursday.

The 79-year-old Kurdish statesman was admitted to hospital on Monday night.

He has often mediated among Iraqi Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds, and in a growing dispute over oil between Baghdad and the country's autonomous Kurdistan region.

"Treatment has allowed suitable conditions for his excellency to be transferred outside the country," the statement said, adding that Talabani's health had improved.

It was uncertain whether he would be able to return to his post, and his potential exit from politics is raising concerns about what could be a messy succession battle.

A year after the last U.S. troops left Iraq, the Arab-led central government and the Kurdish region are increasingly divided over oil and land in a rift that threatens to escalate into open conflict.

Iraq President Talabani 'stable' after stroke

Just days before he was hospitalized, Talabani had negotiated between Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki?and Kurdistan authorities after both sent troops to face off along an internal border where they have laid rival claims to ethnically mixed territories.

A year after the last American troops left, the Arab-led central government and the Kurdish region are caught in a rift over oil and land that threatens to escalate into fighting.

One year after the U.S. military pullout, Iraq teeters between statehood and failure. NBC News' Jim Maceda reports.

Al-Maliki?and Kurdistan's leaders?have twice sent troops to the internal border where both lay claim to ethnically mixed territories dotted with oilfields.

Turkey is also embroiled in the dispute, angering Baghdad by talking about energy cooperation and oil pipelines that would give Kurdistan a route to export its own crude and effectively end its reliance on the central government's funds.

Blasts hit Iraq's Kirkuk, disputed territories

With oil majors such Exxon and Chevron now shifting their focus northward to sign deals with Kurdistan and away from Iraq's southern oilfields, leaders on both sides are warning of the risks of the dispute sliding into an ethnic war.

"If it erupts ... it will be a painful, shameful ethnic conflict," al-Maliki said warning of the risks following last month's military build-up around disputed towns.

At the heart of the dispute is the oil wealth under the swathe of land known as the "Disputed Territories" along the vague internal border that includes the ethnically mixed city of Kirkuk, known to some as the "Jerusalem of the Kurds.?

Baghdad has warned Exxon and other companies that deals struck with Kurdistan are illegal, a violation of what Iraqi officials see as a policy area that should be under central government control. The Kurds say the constitution's federalism guarantees their right to develop their region's oil resources.

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Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Make Controller Layouts Right on an iPad: New Lemur Arrives, LiveControl 2.0 Soon [iOS; Gallery]

In-app editing, at last. Without switching to your Mac or PC, you can now edit or create layouts right on Lemur. Images courtesy Liine.

Once the layout is done, using an iPad as an interactive, do-anything-you-want, Star Trek-style music and visual controller is a unique pleasure. But as your fingers surf through virtual knobs and faders, the idea has surely occurred to you: why can?t I actually do my editing and layout on the iPad?

Lemur is perhaps the most powerful controller app anywhere, a terrific demonstration of why a tablet controller can be useful. And its editor ? directly descended from the editor that went with the original, pre-iPad Lemur hardware ? is powerful, unquestionably. But switching between an editor on the desktop and the layout on the tablet definitely feels less intuitive.

A Lemur update at last brings what users have wanted: now you can directly edit those layouts on the iPad (and iPhone/iPod touch), ideal for ?improvising? layouts and adjusting to what feels best on the controller. See the video for a first look. (One bonus, very interesting to a few of us: this also means, since you?re no longer tethered to the editor, you can more easily use Lemur as a controller with your Linux rig, whether that?s a laptop or a Raspberry Pi.)

It should be available on iTunes now. (Some country stores don?t get all updates immediately, so keep an eye out.)

That?s not all Lemur developers Liine are announcing today. Lemur also adds three new ?skins? for a bit more control over how your layouts look. And coming early next year, there will also be a free layout for Ableton Live from one of the best creators of this stuff, ST8. (I would expect this is tailored a bit to some of the subtle but significant controller changes in Live 9.)

The new Lemur ? in-app editing, new skins, and still the mobile controller app to beat.

Entirely tailored to iOS interface paradigms, in-app editing does everything you need to customize control layouts, says Liine. Here?s how they describe the use cases for the functionality:

So what does editing templates directly In-App mean?
For novice users, this means a much smaller learning curve and an immediate initial experience. Any basic configuration, such as a typical bank of faders, can now be created with a few familiar taps and gestures. And any factory template can be adjusted quickly to suit your particular needs.
For advanced users, the In-App Editor provides the possibility to quickly edit templates without breaking the musical flow. Whether you?re playing with live musicians or engineering a track in the studio, designing and using the Lemur controller becomes improvisatory. Need to add an extra fader for the reverb effect? Two seconds and you?ve got it.

We don?t know a whole lot about LiveControl 2.0, but knowing how powerful some of this stuff has been in the past ? and knowing ST8 was involved ? I expect hard-core Live users who love touch will be intrigued. (It?ll be interesting to stack this up against Ableton?s own Push, which should become available in roughly the same timeframe ? how you might choose one over another, or even use the two together.) What we have from Liine on what?s coming:

Experience the ultimate Ableton Live controller, designed in partnership with master designer ST8. Improvise a riff on the Play page, then switch to the Sequencer page to edit the pattern. Choose a key and scale to guide your melodies and use Quick Chord to instantly create harmonies. Use the Modulate page to flawlessly map any parameter from any plugin to the MultiBall object and take advantage of Physics, LFOs and gesture recording. The Launch page gives you everything you would expect from a clip launcher, and more. We even integrated snapshots and morphing. LiveControl 2 will be a free download available in early 2013.

Let?s have a look at the new releases in images:

The New Lemur

Some people may still prefer doing initial editing on the desktop app, but it?s hard to imagine anyone will complain about at last being able to make adjustments on mobile. And if you do want to start from scratch, you can do that, too. The new Lemur app, editing away.

You have complete access to widgets and parameters. And, as you can see, by using iOS-native UI components, Lemur makes sure those editing tasks are fat-finger-friendly.

LiveControl 2.0

A new Ableton Live controller template will be available as a free download early in 2013, says Liine.

Info on the updates:


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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tips On Making Your Home Based Business Successful | Jim ...

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Posted by Administrator on Dec 17, 2012 in Uncategorized | Comments Off

There are thousands of men and women who have considered owning a successful work from home business. It is great to work for yourself, and work the hours you want. This is a good way to find a plan that works for you.

Try a side of comedy with your lunch! Laughing relaxes your muscles for up to 45 minutes, relieving both physical and mental stress. One way to tickle your funny bone and restore your enthusiasm for your work from home business is to take a look at some good online humor videos at YouTube or Laugh Or Die.

Membership fees can be a good way to collect some money from your customers and boost your profits. It?s often possible to create a subscription system that makes more profit for you and provides customers with valuable discounts or extras.

TIP! When you are involved in home business, you should know business-related transportation will be tax deductible. Business-related transportation costs are often tax deductible.

Personal Accounts

Make sure you have a separate business bank account. Do not use one account for your personal expenses and your business. Separating your business and personal accounts will make things a whole lot easier when tax season rolls around. You are much less likely to make mistakes on your taxes if your business and personal accounts are separate.

Social media is a great way to market a business, but make sure you do not neglect that in favor of socializing. Social media outlets such as Facebook are distracting and can entice you to waste a large amount of your time that you could be using to market your products. Socializing on Facebook is best saved for when working hours are finished.

TIP! Boost your website?s appearance and selling power to fuel the growth of your home business. Many people only promote their businesses with their sites, but you should sell your products and services on your site as well.

Make sure that you create some sort of objective for your business. It should be a short description of the goals for your business and should describe your business in just a few sentences. Be sure to keep this idea in mind, especially when you talk to someone about your company. Not only will it reinforce your own convictions, it will build confidence in others regarding your business.

Search Engine

Utilizing search engine optimization allows your website to climb to the top of the search engine rankings. This is one of the most critical factors in driving targeted traffic to your website. See how the top ranking sites are using SEO to improve their search engine results.

TIP! Choose a name with meaning. Your brand will represent your products, so having a creative name makes it easy for your clients to remember you.

You may want to hire an accountant for your tax and financial matters. Taking the time to learn about taxes can take time away from your work, lessening your profits.

You can use inexpensive, portable storage devices to keep copies of your business?s important information and records. Lost records can be disastrous and cost hundreds or thousands of dollars to restore. Mozy is another excellent option for backing up your computer.

Most of the supplies you will need to operate your work from home business can be found online at wholesale prices. The Internet offers access to a world of information; it also allows you to locate all of the supplies that you may need for reasonable prices. Gaining a business license will provide you discounts, as well as allow you more options on where you can purchase your supplies.

TIP! Having a supportive group can be very beneficial to running a home business. It helps to build a network with other peers.

When you start a new online business, you should look at the going market rate in your region. Use that information to establish your own rates. Set your prices at rates that will make you money.

You should set aside a percentage of all income earned towards your taxes. Your taxes are going to be roughly 20 percent of profits, and if you set aside when it is earned, you will not have problems when it comes time to pay.

When choosing a product to sell from home, find one that addresses one of your needs. Customers are sure to be interested in purchasing something with the ability to help with an issue they regularly confront. Come up with a product that solves a problem, and your business is likely to succeed.

TIP! It is more important to utilize your time and money on reliability testing for your website than to spend your resources on making it overly elaborate. Ensure that your webpage will load in all different places and on people?s phones, as well.

Always exercise patience. A home-based business is not going to flourish overnight. A home business will take both time and effort and you will see growth as you gain experience. You will need to remain patient and consistent as you are growing your business.

When working from home, try to always achieve your personal best. Even though it can be extremely fulfilling to have a home business, your self-esteem could suffer if you place work before your own needs. Take time to exercise, don?t snack too much and shower every morning. Doing these simple things can make you feel a lot better about yourself, and make you appear more professional to others as well.

As you can see, it will require a little bit of work and dedication to make the jump. If you can manage to pull through and stick to the plan, you will be able to accurately represent your dream in the company?s image and create something that is long-lasting and profitable over the years.

TIP! You must figure in cost, in order to know profit when you are selling items which you have made. Wholesale sellers often offer their products at twice the cost to make them.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Japan's LDP surges back to power, eyes two-thirds majority with ally

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) surged back to power in an election on Sunday just three years after a devastating defeat, giving ex-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a chance to push his hawkish security agenda and radical economic recipe.

An LDP win will usher in a government committed to a tough stance in a territorial row with China, a pro-nuclear energy policy despite last year's Fukushima disaster and a potentially risky prescription for hyper-easy monetary policy and big fiscal spending to beat deflation and tame a strong yen.

A TV Asahi projection based on counted votes gave the LDP at least 291 seats in parliament's 480-member lower house, and together with its small ally, the New Komeito party, a two-thirds majority needed to override, on most matters, the upper house, where no party has majority.

That would help break a policy deadlock that has plagued the world's third biggest economy since 2007.

"We have promised to pull Japan out of deflation and correct a strong yen," Abe said on live television. "We need to do this. The same goes for national security and diplomacy."

Parliament is expected to vote Abe in as prime minister on December 26.

Analysts said that while markets had already pushed the yen lower and share prices higher in anticipation of an LDP victory, stocks could rise and the yen weaken further in response to "super majority."

While LDP and New Komeito officials confirmed they would form a coalition, LDP Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba did not rule out cooperation with the Japan Restoration Party, a new right-leaning party that was set to pick up at least 52 seats.

"I think there is room to do this in the area of national defense," he said. The New Komeito is more moderate than the LDP on security issues.


Projections showed Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's Democratic Party of Japan winning at least 56 seats, less than a fifth of its tally in 2009. Noda said he was stepping down as party leader after the defeat, in which several party heavyweights lost their seats.

The Democrats swept to power in 2009 promising to pay more heed to consumers and break up the "iron triangle" of the powerful bureaucracy, business and politicians formed during more than half a century of almost unbroken LDP rule.

Many voters had said the DPJ failed to meet election pledges as it struggled to govern and cope with last year's huge earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster, and pushed through an unpopular sales tax increase with LDP help.

Voter distaste for both major parties has spawned a clutch of new parties including the Japan Restoration Party, founded by popular Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto.

LDP leader Abe, 58, who quit as premier in 2007 citing ill health after a troubled year in office, has been talking tough in a row with China over uninhabited isles in the East China Sea, although some experts and party insiders say he may temper his hard line with pragmatism once in office.

"The Senkaku islands are inherently Japanese territory," Abe said, referring to the islands that China calls the Diaoyu. "I want to show my strong determination to prevent this from changing."

But he also said he had no intention of worsening relations with China.

The soft-spoken grandson of a prime minister, who would become Japan's seventh premier in six years, Abe also wants to loosen the limits of a 1947 pacifist constitution on the military, so Japan can play a bigger global security role.

China's official Xinhua news agency, noting the deterioration in relations with Japan, warned it not to strain ties further.

"An economically weak and politically angry Japan will not only hurt the country, but also hurt the region and the world at large," Xinhua said. "Japan, which brought great harm and devastation to other Asian countries in World War Two, will raise further suspicions among its neighbors if the current political trend of turning right is not stopped in time."


The LDP, which promoted nuclear energy during its decades-long reign, is expected to be friendly to power utilities, although public safety concerns remain a barrier to business-as-usual for the industry.

Abe has called for "unlimited" monetary easing and big spending on public works to rescue the economy from its fourth recession since 2000. Such policies, a centerpiece of the LDP's platform for decades, have been criticized by many as wasteful pork-barrel politics.

Kyodo news agency said the new government could draft an extra budget for 2012/13 worth up to 10 trillion yen ($120 billion) and issue debt to pay for it.

Many economists say that prescription for "Abenomics" could create temporary growth and allow the government to go ahead with a planned initial sales tax rise in 2014 to help curb a public debt now more than twice the size of Japan's economy.

But it looks unlikely to cure deeper ills or bring lasting growth, and risks triggering a market backlash if investors decide Japan has lost control of its finances.

"Japan can't spend on public works forever and the Bank of Japan's monetary easing won't keep the yen weak for too long," said Koichi Haji, chief economist at NLI Research Institute. "The key is whether Abe can implement long-term structural reforms and growth strategies."

Japan's economy has been stuck in the doldrums for decades, its population ageing fast and flagship companies such as Sony Corp struggling with foreign rivals and burdened with a strong yen, making "Japan Inc" a synonym for decline.

(Additional reporting by Chikafumi Hodo, Yoko Kubota, Kiyoshi Takenaka, Leika Kihara and Mari Saito in TOKYO, Yoshiyuki Osada in OSAKA and Sui-Lee Wee in BEIJING; Editing by Tomasz Janowski and Robert Birsel)


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Friday, December 7, 2012

NASA investigates use of 'trailblazing' material for new sensors

ScienceDaily (Dec. 6, 2012) ? Tiny sensors -- made of a potentially trailblazing material just one atom thick and heralded as the "next best thing" since the invention of silicon -- are now being developed to detect trace elements in Earth's upper atmosphere and structural flaws in spacecraft.

Technologist Mahmooda Sultana, who joined NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., two years ago and has since emerged as Goddard's go-to expert in the development of graphene-based technology, has expanded her portfolio to include two new research and development efforts aimed at creating nano-sized detectors that could detect atomic oxygen and other trace elements in the upper atmosphere and structural strains in everything from airplane wings to spacecraft buses.

"The cool thing about graphene is its properties," said Jeff Stewart, the acting assistant chief for technology for Goddard's Mechanical Systems Division. "It offers a plethora of possibilities. Frankly, we're just getting started."

Graphene, first discovered in 2004 by Russian-born scientists Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, is just one atom thick and composed of carbon atoms arranged in tightly bound hexagons best visualized as atomic-scale chicken wire. Two hundred times stronger than structural steel, it not only is the strongest material ever measured, but also the most sensitive and stable at extreme temperatures, making it ideal for all types of uses. Since its discovery, hundreds of organizations worldwide have launched research efforts to take advantage of the material's unique properties.

Goddard is one in the growing contingent.

More than a year ago, Sultana and her team won research and development funding to set up production facilities and fine-tune processing techniques for fabricating graphene using a technique called chemical vapor deposition (CVD), a technique also used in manufacturing computer chips. With this approach, technicians place a metal substrate inside a vacuum chamber and inject gases that then react or decompose to produce the desired thin film.

Since then, the group has succeeded at manufacturing and processing relatively large, high-quality pieces of graphene, and is now ready to apply its expertise to advance other applications. "One of the most promising applications of this material is as a chemical sensor," Sultana said.

Chemical Sensors

She has teamed with retired Goddard scientist Fred Herrero, who is pursuing the research in an emeritus capacity, to develop a miniaturized, low-mass, low-power, graphene-based detector that could measure the amount of atomic oxygen in the upper atmosphere. Atomic oxygen in the upper atmosphere is created when ultraviolet radiation from the sun breaks apart oxygen molecule (O2). The resultant reactive element is highly corrosive. As satellites fly through the upper atmosphere, the chemical strikes them at about five miles per second. The impacts destroy commonly used spacecraft materials, such as Kapton.

Although scientists believe atomic oxygen makes up 96 percent of the thin atmosphere in low-Earth orbit, Herrero is interested in measuring its density and determining more precisely its role in creating atmospheric drag, which can cause orbiting spacecraft to lose altitude prematurely and plunge to Earth. "We still don't know the impact of atomic elements on spacecraft in creating a drag force," he said. "We don't know how much momentum is transferred between the atom and the spacecraft. This is important because engineers need to understand the impact to estimate the lifetime of a spacecraft and how long it will take before the spacecraft reenters Earth's atmosphere."

Research has shown that graphene-based sensors offer a good solution, Sultana said. When graphene absorbs atomic oxygen, it oxidizes, producing a change in the material's electrical resistance that a graphene-based sensor could then quickly count to produce a more accurate density measurement. "I'm really excited about this material's possibilities," Herrero said, adding that graphene would greatly simplify the steps needed to measure atomic oxygen. "We'd be counting how often the resistance changes."

Atomic oxygen isn't the only element the chemical sensor could measure, Sultana said. She also believes it's ideal for measuring methane, carbon monoxide, and other gases on other planetary bodies and monitoring outgassing that sometimes contaminates instrument optics. She plans to fabricate and test the first generation of graphene-based chemical sensors by the end of the fiscal year, she said. "This is at a very early stage," Sultana added.

Strain Detection

Graphene's unique attributes also make it a viable candidate for detecting stresses in spacecraft components, she said. With her collaborators at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the team is using support from NASA's Office of the Chief Technologist to advance a small sensor that could be embedded in spacecraft materials, including composites. If the material underwent some type of stress, the tiny sensors would detect it.

The team has used CVD to manufacture and test a large piece of graphene, whose electrical properties are sensitive to detecting stresses, Sultana said. Her MIT collaborators now are fabricating graphene devices and her team is wiring them to read out measurements -- much like the medical electrodes used for certain medical tests. However, Sultana plans to eliminate the wiring so that it operates autonomously, she said.

"This could be deployed in a non-invasive way," Stewart said. "Right now, we use relatively large devices to detect damage or potential sources of failure, but with autonomous graphene-based sensors our hope is that we could put them into the material itself."

"We can employ a different combination of its extreme properties and use the same material for different sensing applications," Sultana added. "That's the beauty of graphene."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Texas cancer agency exec: Mistakes led to grant

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- The chief executive of Texas' embattled $3 billion cancer-fighting agency on Wednesday defended his job while explaining to a state board how a private company improperly received $11 million in the second questionable award to embarrass the agency this year.

Bill Gimson, the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas' first and only executive director, took blame for Dallas-based Peloton Therapeutics receiving the lucrative taxpayer-funded grant even though the company's proposal was never scrutinized. He chalked it up as an honest mistake and said there was no evidence that agency staff stood to personally benefit financially from Peloton.

But one member of the agency's governing board ? made up of political appointees of Gov. Rick Perry, the lieutenant governor and House speaker? requested that Gimson face a job review.

CPRIT's problems began in May when questions arose over a separate $20 million grant that was also insufficiently reviewed, and led to dozens of agency peer reviewers resigning in protest.

Tom Luce, a Dallas attorney appointed to the board this year, said the board had counted on Gilman to make sure rules were followed.

"I'm certain they felt like they were relying on you (to have) sufficient processes in place to assure something like this did not happen," Luce said.

CPRIT has spent the year mired in criticism and intensifying scrutiny after debuting in 2009 to widespread acclaim. The unprecedented state-run agency is home to the nation's second largest pot of cancer-research money, behind only the National Institutes of Health, and has awarded nearly $700 million.

An internal audit uncovered the irregularities surrounding Peloton's award in 2010. The agency says the company was unaware its 27-page proposal was never reviewed, and company executives have declined comment.

All grants must ultimately be approved by the agency's governing board. Gimson said Peloton's proposal wound up in front of that panel because Jerry Cobbs, the agency's former chief commercialization officer, mistakenly thought he was submitting a request to perform "due diligence" on the company. Instead, believing that Cobbs was recommending Peloton for funding, the board voted in 2010 to give Peloton $11 million, according to Gimson.

Gimson did not explain why Cobbs never corrected the board's action. Cobbs resigned from the agency last month, and attempts to reach him have been unsuccessful.

Gimson told board members Wednesday that the lapse in checks and balances occurred during the agency's infancy, when rules were still being put in place.

"It was a procedural nightmare," Gimson said.

According to the agency's internal audit, emails between Cobbs and former chief science officer Dr. Alfred Gilman about Peloton are no longer available. Neither a report from the agency's compliance officer nor a letter Gimson wrote to lawmakers this week explains why.

Peloton has so far received $3.2 million from the state. The rest of the funding had been frozen pending a review of the company's application.

James Mansour, chairman of the oversight board, said the Peloton discovery has been "embarrassing." He said he would have difficulty approving the company for funding without more assurance that Peloton does not have ties to agency officials.


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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Awkward Photos: Dads On Vacation Edition (PHOTOS)

The weather outside hasn't quite hit frightful levels yet, but the chillier temperatures and upcoming holidays have us thinking about vacations here at Huff/Post50. Specifically the awkward photos that get taken during vacation, featuring incredibly eager husbands and fathers mugging for the camera.

Clarke Joyner of Dads on Vacation was kind enough to share some of these incredibly hilarious photos of dads being anything but cool on vacation. These pops haven't met a bronzed animal with gaping jaws or stuffed bear they didn't like, embarrassing their families and posing their ways into our hearts.

Check out the slideshow below for some of the most awkward photos on the site.

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