Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Breast cancer survivor stresses need for early detection, treatment


AWKA?A survivor of breast cancer, Miss Juliet Agunwa has begun an awareness campaign on how to ensure early detection of the disease, advising women to constantly examine themselves and go for early treatment when detected.

Delivering a lecture to secondary school students on breast cancer and its curability at Nkpor in Anambra State, Agunwa argued that breast cancer killed many women in Nigeria due to ignorance and stigmatisation of the victims.

Aguwa, who is the founder of ?Courage to Dare Foundation?, a non-governmental organisation, NGO, noted that what every person having challenges of cancer needed was love and encouragement.

She said: ?A lot? of people need the information; people have actually shown the interest to learn about how to prolong their life and how to cut down the death rate caused by breast cancer.

?Educating people about cancer is something I always look forward to because when I was diagnosed of breast cancer, I thought that my world had turned for the worst.?

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